Do I need a license?
YES! For all our boats (except Kayaks) you need a boat license. Here can find a complete list of recognized certificates for operating boats and yachts in Croatia, more information about nautics you find at the website of the Coratian Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.
What are your working hours? How long is a day rental?
We work from 9 AM to 7 PM, but you can pick up the reservation depending on the agreement.
How can I pay for the boat?
You can pay either in cash or via online payment.
Do you take a deposit for booking? How much is it?
Yes, we take 30% of the total price.
Do I have to pay before I rent a boat?
You can pay either before or after you rent a boat.
What happens with a reservation in case of a storm or bad weather?
There's always a chance of bad weather that's why we're constantly trekking the weather forecast and informing our people. If there is a possibility of changing the date we agree on having a new one. Otherwise, we will refund your money.
Can I keep the boat in a differnt place if I rent more than one day?
Yes, you can keep the vessel in another place depending on whether you have access to a mooring in the accommodation where you are staying. In that case, please let us know the location of our boat so that we can be sure that it is well moored and in a safe place.
Is it allowed to have animals on the boat?
It is allowed but we don't take the risk in case of an accident. Please make sure, that the animal, especially dogs, don't damage the seats.